Icelandic road signs
When driving in Iceland you may stumble upon some unusual road signs that you have never seen before. Here we will go over the most seen and used road signs that you may not have seen before anywhere else in the world, and what they mean.
This sign indicates there is a river crossing, usually to be found on „F“ roads (Mountain roads). As long as you have a 4X4 vehicle and drive carefully you should be fine doing so. Altough you are most probaply not insured if anything goes wrong, so please proceed carefully and at your own risk. If you have never driven through rivers or even if you have we still encourage you to read up or watch tutorials online on how to drive over rivers here in Iceland.
Some rivers have signs like this one here below and a stick in the river for you to assess the river before crossing.
You might also see these signs when going on to F roads. These indicate how difficult the road may be. The first sign to the left indicates a very difficult road that might have steep hills, snow and/or rivers that can just barely be crossed by vehicles so be aware of them.
Smile! You are on camera. This sign indicates there is a camera coming up and you should watch your speed. Speeding tickets are never a fun time so be aware of them and ofcourse drive the limit. The speeding limit is never more then 90 km per hour in Iceland.
This sign indicates a „blind hill“ and often has only a single lane so you will not be able to see oncoming traffic if any from the other side.
These signs indicate there is a single lande bridge or tunnel coming up.
When driving through, do so carefully and pull over to let people pass. In the tunnel one way has the right to go so just keep an eye out for which way has that right.
On the bridge, whoever comes first has the right to cross first but if you are in doubt, just let the other vehicle go first.
And finally, these sign you will see all around the country. On the far right you will see the road number, that is in this case road 1. And on the right you will see the number of kilometers to the destination on the sign.
If the road number has an F in front of the numbers, that indicates a mountain road or „F“ road and you can only drive on them on a 4x4 vehicle.
F-Roads are usually closed during winter and you should see closings signs when approaching these roads and you should most deffinitly follow it. Those roads are not serviced over the winter so they are highly dangerous and if any damage is caused to the vehicle whiel driving those roads you are not insured. And then there is ofcourse the fact that you might get higly injured or even die trying to drive these roads in these conditions.